The Full Story
Fastest Known Marathon broken by Teamrider Viola
Fueled by laughter, Viola Weinert accidentally broke the fastest known marathon time (WR pending).
Viola Pumped the Fastest Known Marathon Time!
With a big smile, Viola skated the fastest known time on the Misfits Marathon 2023!
She pushed three times and then it was pump only. Averaging 23.8 km/h, she skated 41.195 km in 1:46:32.
She did this on her MelonenKacke Procyon Speed, which is a platform specifically developed to pump fast and long!
The marathon record attempt was not planned at all.
The best part of this performance is that she skated this marathon with a big smile on her face. Supporting the women in LDP, she cheered for every skater she overtook! In the end, she set a new marathon record without even knowing what the previous record time was. How cool is that?
What is very impressive is that Viola started doing LDP roughly a year and a half before this event. She didn't train for fast marathons and just went all out for fun.
Viola continues her main pumping path.
In 2024, she pumped only in the 6-hour quarter-ultra in Singapore and the Netherlands. In Singapore, under the extreme heat and humidity, she averaged 19.3 km/h. On the Dutch quarter-ultra, she managed to average 21.5 km/h, taking first place!
Laughing seems to impact skaters' performance positively.
Maybe skating with a good mood is a performance boost. No matter if this is true or not, Viola's performance is truly inspiring. So I guess don’t take it too seriously, spread the laughter, and skate fast!
Violas Setup
Viola's board is specifically developed for high pumping speed.
Viola skated on her custom Procyon Speed. The Procyon Speed features a high rebound flex pattern. Compared to our other boards, pumping takes a little more energy, but the pumping speed is significantly increased.
Why does the Procyon pump so well?
The Procyon has an asymmetrical flex pattern. The relatively stiff front ensures that power is optimally transferred to the front truck.
The rather flexy rear acts like a spring on the torsion tail, which raises the pumping speed. The rear also allows for a bit of torsion, lengthening the torsion tail, making pumping more efficient.
The long wheelbase, paired with the high rebound flex pattern, contributes to this. With the fitting flex characteristics of the Procyon, the longer wheelbase pumps faster and easier.